Friday, July 1, 2016

Terry Roys - A Man with a Profound Message: By Harry Corbissero & Chloe Quinn

           You know that hymn, Amazing Grace? It has a line in it, “I once was lost but now I’m found; was blind but now I see.” This line takes on a particular poignancy listening to Terry Roy’s life story.

          Terry is a motivational speaker who found his True Calling a very hard way.  He has a very powerful message to share, which he did with our PRIDE class this past June 7th.  Loud and clear, his message stated, “Learn to see through the eyes of the heart.” Curiously, he himself had to become physically blind for this message to penetrate. Thirty years ago, he had been high and mighty, driving drunk, and was involved in an accident in which he lost his sight (along with a good portion of his face) and almost died.  
            It’s almost as this calamity had not only functioned as a wake-up call to Terry, to jar him out of his smug stuporous complacency, but also constituted a requirement for his message to have the power it does.
          Terry now serves to illume the lives of others—those suffering in addiction or in some other manner missing the mark—so we can learn to live life as the sacred event it really is.
          Terry is a kind, caring, softly-spoken individual.  He has a great sense of humor, is full of wit and warmth, and is not afraid to laugh at himself or at life.
          Terry is a recovering alcoholic, and spends his leisure time sharing with those who are learning about chemical dependency or those who are recovering themselves.  He has spoken at such local treatment centers as Turning Point, and has also spoken at weekend situations where people are given a course to help them turn their lives around before something tragic happens. Although full of smiles and laughter, Terry is well aware of the negative effects that alcohol and drugs can have on one’s life.
          Alcohol and drug abuse is why Terry lost his sight.
          It was a summer day in 1982, and Terry was driving home from a concert in Erie.  He was under the influence, he says.   He then remembers nothing until waking up in the ICU days later.
          It’s incredible to think that there are days (or hours or moments) that could change your entire life. This was a day that changed Terry’s life—forever.
          Many of us take a lot for granted. We complain about all of the little things, while forgetting to notice all the amazing things about each day that is granted to us: the sun shone today, today I can walk/talk/breathe unassisted, today I can wake up and see my child.  These gifts we are given are sometimes all-too-quickly taken from us, and it is important to remember to count yourself lucky if you are still given the daily gift of living a relatively unassisted life.
          However, for those of us who are forced to make do with a different set of attributes, nature has a way of evening out the scale.  Terry has a keen sense of hearing.  He is able to sit in a meeting of a few dozen people, and follow along with the conversation just as well as anyone who was sighted.
          Terry is a great example of rising above your challenges, whether they be big or small.  He is an example of not being afraid to learn a new way of being, even – years into the game.  His story shows us that there is a way to overcome your obstacles, even if they seem insurmountable.
          His story is awe-inspiring, and shows the triumph of the human spirit. Terry shares: “I always give credit to that Spirit…that Spirit of Love that moves everything around us. It’s not me; it’s that Spirit working within me.”
          Terry is Pure Love, and so is his message.

Above: Terry Roys, smiling after he shared with the PRIDE class on June 7, 2016.

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