Friday, July 1, 2016

Stephen Ross - A Versatile Straight-Shooter!: By Harry Corbissero

              The dictionary defines “straight-shooter” as someone who is both honest and sincere, and – in Steve Ross’s case—can also paint straight lines, with total aplomb.

           If you’ve ever tried to paint a straight line, you know it’s no easy feat; yet Steve does it unwaveringly—his handiwork can be seen throughout the home base facility, as well as wherever else in our operation we may require straight lines, as in Steve’s recent helping hand in refurbishing the now Goodwill-operated Walnut Beach concession stand.
            Of course this master linesman does a lot more than just paint straight lines (as difficult as these are to manifest), but everything this excellent employee does is accomplished with an equal degree of diligence and finesse; he is a straight-shooter in each and every regard.
          Steve is married and the father of two boys, and is also a cancer survivor.  When the cancer developed, he had to leave his factory job and fortify himself for a series of grueling surgeries over an interval of several years.  During this time, Steve had not only been unable to work, but had also become quite isolated from the world. “I had been in my own dark space,” Steve explained, adding “upon my recovery, Goodwill helped me get back into the light and restore myself.”
          This happened close to nine years ago when Steve had been hired by Goodwill to be a maintenance worker at the Conneaut rest area, a position he occupied for about five years.
          “I knew I could do more,” Steve said, and when the job he presently does became available about three years ago, Steve jumped at the opportunity to expand his potential, as he genuinely has.
          Even though Steve’s title is Janitorial Worker, he explains: “I’ve been everywhere and done a lot of varied stuff. I’ve painted, built shelves, built walls, laid concrete and tile floors. I’ve been told that in the near future I’ll be going to Harborcreek to help remodel a new Goodwill site. I’ve always enjoyed working with my hands.”
          Steve states he owes a great deal specifically to Goodwill Facility Manager, Terry Hudson, who has functioned somewhat as a mentor to Steve, as well as being a supervisor.  “He has a lot of faith in me,” Steve concluded, “and has always been a source of encouragement.”
          Yet out of all the work Steve has done for Goodwill, he states he is most proud of his straight line prowess. “This handiwork will hopefully remain intact long after I’m gone, and that makes me feel real proud.”
          Steve is a person who has quite literally left his mark here at Goodwill, in more ways than one.

Above: Steve’s handiwork and exceptional artistic ability shine through
 in the “Goodwill Lines” that adorn many a wall in the Goodwill family of stores.

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