Sunday, October 1, 2017

Work Is Music To His Ears: By Mary Murray

    There’s one thing you should know about Tyler S. This young man is persistent. When most teenagers find it difficult to get out of bed on their summer break from school, Tyler, a graduate of North East High School, was up early calling the staff at the Goodwill Summit Workforce Development office, seeking information about his work-based learning experience. Under this program, Goodwill’s Summit Workforce Development staff, partners with the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to coach clients while they are paid to work.

     Tyler knew this could be a good gig for him so he called in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, and on the weekend. It was all good, illustrating that this young man is serious about his future.
     The staff was working to secure an audio production placement for Tyler; one that he had expressed an interest in. After a few promising inquiries, Tyler was able to work for not one, but three employers in his field. In fact, his success has led all three employers to request that he return to work for them next summer.
     Tyler spent 60 hours working for WQLN, Erie’s Public Broadcasting Station, as an audio production assistant. Tyler produced public service announcements, edited audio spots, and worked six weeks on the Sounds Around Town summer music concert series, setting up equipment before the concerts, tearing down, and working the audio board.
     Not one to lack energy, Tyler simultaneously worked for a private music studio on the days that he was not scheduled at WQLN. His third job was equally as exciting. He worked several long days as a camera operator and director for CATV, Erie’s community access television station during Erie’s Summer Blues & Jazz Festival and the annual Celebrate Erie festival.
     With all of that experience under his belt, we are sure that Tyler is taking California State University of Pennsylvania by storm this fall as a commercial music technology major. We’re sure we will be seeing more of Tyler’s name in the credits of future audio productions as he pursues his passion.

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