Saturday, April 1, 2017

Fueling Your Passion: By Mary Murray

          There was a buzz of activity, lots of chatter and peals of laughter in Room 152 as students at General McLane High School put their passion to work busily cutting, pasting, gluing, and drawing on their poster boards.  In the process, they also honed their negotiating and teamwork skills.

          The interactive, hands-on activity was designed by instructor Angela Murosky as a means of making the learning a fun activity while teaching a lesson on volunteering. First, she had the students watch a video focused on making a difference in the lives of others.  In another classroom with older students, Angela added another component, requiring students to fill out a worksheet on transferrable skills, such as teamwork, customer service, time management and organizational skills – that would be developed through volunteering.

          Students, working in groups of four, leafed through a directory of 30 volunteer organizations compiled by their instructor. The group had to reach a consensus on which non-profit agency it would select. Then the students dug in, making a poster with markers, pencils, drawings and other images to showcase the work of the agency. Each group was required to provide some specific information – contact information, illustrate what the agency does, and who it serves -- and were urged to be as creative as possible. After the students completed the assignment, they were required to make a formal presentation. One group member was chosen to be the presenter and his/her job  was to explain to the class why the agency was chosen, what they do, and identify the constituents they serve.
          The activity was an overwhelming success, Angela said, prompting students to speak with passion about causes they find important – whether it’s the ANNA Shelter or Asbury Woods Nature Center in Millcreek. One student, Tori, was so excited about the project learning more about the ANNA Shelter, that she asked whether she could take the poster home to show it to her mother, Angela said.

          The assignment gave students more information about community resources and how they might pursue volunteering – simply as a means of giving back. The bonus is that many students also reflected on their choice as a career opportunity -- a goal that aligns perfectly with Project Youth Experience Success.

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