Thursday, September 1, 2016

Goodwill Graduates: By Steve Ross

         On August 12th, I was asked to sit in on the graduation of the students in the 2016 yO! program. What I witnessed and heard that day moved me in such a way that I believe everybody involved should get to share in this incredible experience.  I was moved by the wonderful speeches I heard and the emotions I saw on the individual’s faces that were in attendance.
          Esmond Colvin, Production Supervisor, gave a powerful opening speech. It was filled with so much inspiration that every student in the room should have felt that there was nothing they couldn’t accomplish in their lifetime. 

          Eric Schwarz, President/CEO, spoke of the future and the brightness that this group will one day shine down upon our community.  He was clear in letting them know there’s a job waiting for them at Goodwill if they so choose at some point in their careers.
          Harry Corbissero, Program Manager, touched me as he gave his speech. He became choked up as he spoke of this group, in particular. In his 30 years at Goodwill, this was the first time he witnessed such an exceptional display of the participants and the workforce coming together. He spoke of his optimism of the program, growing in leaps and bounds in the upcoming future and how proud he was of each of the kids.
          As each of the youth gave their speeches, you could hear how each one of them was touched to be a part of the 2016 yO! program. You could tell they had learned a lot about themselves and what they could achieve. As one of them shared how he found skills and abilities inside himself that he didn’t know he had, his true feelings were evident.
          At times, I wonder about the future and where we are all headed. After sitting in on the graduation of the 2016 yO! program, I think we are all going to be alright. I hope that this group of graduates understands how lucky they are to have so much support and encouragement from the staff and workers at Goodwill. I believe everybody involved will benefit from the 2016 yO! program, from every student to every worker, to every staff personnel that got to be a part of this amazing program. I learned a lot about myself watching young adults enter the workforce and I can’t help but think of how I would have benefitted from a program like this when I was looking for my first job.
          Congratulations, Goodwill, to the staff and the students of the 2016 yO! program.  See you next summer and here’s to a job well done.

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