Monday, August 1, 2016

A Closer Look At Job Development: By Megan Myers

          When I tell people I work at Goodwill, they always seem to assume that I work in the store. After I tell people that I work “upstairs” as an Employment Case Manager, they seem shocked. I usually get the typical, “Oh wow, I didn’t know Goodwill did that!” This gives me the opportunity to tell people all about the “upstairs Goodwill people.”
          So what exactly do we do upstairs? Well, of course there are staff on the so-called business side of things, however, interlocking with their side of business is the Rehabilitation side. The Rehab Department consists of a Program Director, Program Managers, a Case Manager, and several other positions.
          The most common programs we provide consist of PRIDE (Personal Responsibility in Developing Employment), Job Development/Placement, Work Adjustment, and Ready to Work, which is formerly known as Lake County Youth. My position consists of working with the PRIDE program and Job Development services.

          You may be wondering what Job Development is. Job Development provides employment services to consumers with disabilities. These disabilities can be physical, mental, emotional, or a combination of any. Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) refers their consumers to us so we can provide them with the skills necessary to obtain employment.
          When a consumer comes in needing our services, I can provide a variety of things to them. A big part in helping them is job searching. Whether a consumer needs me to help them fill out an entire application, or just needs assistance with something small, I’m there to help.
          I also aid the consumers in obtaining interview skills, job searching skills, resume building skills, and skills on how to maintain employment. These are taught to them on a weekly basis, until they are able to find a job in their chosen field.
          So far this year, Job Development services have helped many  people find employment. Without Goodwill, employment may not have even been possible for these people. Goodwill has helped me find my true calling by being able to help others achieve their goals.
          To obtain Job Development Services, please contact your nearest Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation facility or your local Goodwill for more information.

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