Saturday, July 1, 2017

2017 Goodwill Annual Dinner: By Zach Knight

     This past quarter, Goodwill Industries of Ashtabula, Inc. held it’s 2017 Annual Dinner in which we had the pleasure of honoring the individuals that have made our great organization what it has become today.

     It was a full house that night, as over one hundred and sixty individuals from our office, retail, workforce development, and contracts department were in attendance, as well as many organizational and community stakeholders. The night started off with a warm welcome from our President/CEO, Eric Schwarz, who took a moment to reflect back on some of the landslide achievements made by our retail, contracts, and workforce departments. 
    Plaques were awarded to four individuals for their outstanding achievements as well as their personal successes throughout the duration of their employment with Goodwill, or their success throughout the duration of their time in one of our Vocational Rehabilitation programs. 
     In addition to the achievement awards that were given, nineteen individuals received service award pins that recognized and commended their long tenure with Goodwill Industries of Ashtabula, Inc. These employees received five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five year service pins. Even a thirty year service pin was awarded to our wonderful Ashtabula production employee, Regina Stringham.
     Overall, the night was very pleasant, as it was filled with many laughs and moments that have since, transitioned to memories that will last a lifetime. Once again, congratulations to all of the award winners as well as all of the Goodwill Industries board members, staff, employees, and community stakeholders that contributed to making 2016 so successful!

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